### master-arduino
The master Arduino measures the battery voltage with the [Adafruit INA260](https://www.adafruit.com/product/4226?gclid=Cj0KCQiA4feBBhC9ARIsABp_nbUfI0ajLIOyZSA2bku_JZfo73gYy_W1wFGoZthBykCbWl1sPe3xmiYaAnboEALw_wcB) and broadcasts information wirelessly to the other Arduinos. The wireless system uses the [[LoRa research|LoRa protocol]] to communicate at 915 Mhz. For detailed information on what LoRa is and how it works, please refer to the [[LoRa research]] page. The diagram for states and communication codes is on [Whimsical](https://whimsical.com/rf-states-and-communication-codes-TEZgio2TPLtG5tm47541Hq). The prior link redirects you to the diagram.
- Sense and broadcast battery voltage
## master-arduino
The master Arduino, also called a server, measures the battery voltage with the [Adafruit INA260](https://www.adafruit.com/product/4226?gclid=Cj0KCQiA4feBBhC9ARIsABp_nbUfI0ajLIOyZSA2bku_JZfo73gYy_W1wFGoZthBykCbWl1sPe3xmiYaAnboEALw_wcB) and broadcasts information wirelessly to the other Arduinos. The wireless system uses the [[LoRa research|LoRa protocol]] to communicate at 915 Mhz. For detailed information on what LoRa is and how it works, please refer to the [[LoRa research]] page. The diagram for states and communication codes is on [Whimsical](https://whimsical.com/rf-states-and-communication-codes-TEZgio2TPLtG5tm47541Hq). The prior link redirects you to the diagram.
## client_arduino_responsive-light