## Useful Tips
Very excitingly, this Wiki uses [Markdown conventions](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet) for writing texts. Markdown is written in plain text. For example, this is how you write indicate the title highest level of a page: titles with `# Cool Title`and lower titles with `## Second Level of Titles`, `### Third Layer`.
- Create On your laptop, create a new page by searching for the desired page name and click the red page title- On your phone, create a new page by adding the desired title after the `index.php/` in the URL. For example: `http://wiki.olinatwoodlandharvest.com/index.php/My New Example Page`- On wikis, you can't easily change the title of a page. Change a page's title by moving the entire page with its discussionto a new page.
- Consult the [Users Guide](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Help:Contents) for information on using the wiki software.