1. Get the RadioHead library from [http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/arduino/RadioHead/](http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/arduino/RadioHead/). There is a link with the ending _.zip_ that you can click to download.
2. Add the library to your Arduino IDE. One added you can open the example file under examples --> radiohead. 3. In the (example) sketch, make sure to assign LED to something other than 9. If set to 9, the restart of the LoRa board will be triggered. ## Nanopb protocol buffer This [_dfrobot_ tutorial](https://www.dfrobot.com/blog-1161.html) leads you through installing the Nanopb library and compiler on your laptop. _Nanopb_ is a version of the protocol buffer in the programming language C, which works well with 32 bit systems such as the Arduino. You can use [this online proto buffer decoder](https://protogen.marcgravell.com/decode) to decode proto buffer messages that were encoded for sending. Protocol buffers are a data serialization format from Google which are supported in multiple programming languages. Protocol Buffers messages are encoded in a binary format, which means they are not human-readable unless we decode them back to a readable format. One of the main advantages of using Protocol Buffers is that the serialization and deserialization process is fast and the generated messages are small.[^protob] The Nanopb library needs a '.proto' file that clarifies the variables that will be serialized. Once, the different types of variables are serialized, they are unreadable for humans in a binary format.
### References
[^dragino-lora]: https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=Lora_Shield#What_is_the_Dragino_LoRa_Shield
[^protob]: https://www.dfrobot.com/blog-1161.html