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### How to charge our batteries
We seek to charge our battery system with the energy obtained from the wind turbine. However, our current system diagram connects the AC rectifier to the inverter, which outputs 110 V alternating current (US outlets). As the energy output from the wind turbine will vary quite a lot, we need to charge the batteries with direct current (DC). For that purpose, we might have to acquire a wind turbine battery charge controller that can handle high voltages (0-200 600 Vfrom the AC rectifier) to charge our 24 V battery system. Tae Chang offers a [Battery Charge Controller]( We probably need a _600 VDC 24v wind turbine MPPT charge controller 2500W_. Most charge controllers seem to be in the range of 200-300 VDC ([example](!2966!3!264955915673!!!g!461787465034!&gucid=N:N:PS:Paid:GGL:CSM-2295:4P7A1P:20501231&gclid=CjwKCAiA4o79BRBvEiwAjteoYOv_peCpu8ur8vgakfuuD9tEog_f5FFEEgu7gsxPleKhCmGqSbyKoRoCkEUQAvD_BwE)), which might be enough considering wind speeds in our area.


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