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Therefore, we see strong evidence that an educational environment that emphasizes an integrated understanding of the sciences and values the interconnectedness of living beings can lead to a more resilient society, improve their wellbeing and consequently make use of the most meaningful capital that we have: creativity.
## What are the web-nodes for a new science of holism?
The following list is an open-ended collection of concepts and insights that are crucial to holistically understanding our reality.
- Doughnut economics, create goals that honor the whole, un-learn traditional economic theory
- autopoietic systems, what does it mean to be alive?
- creating conditions to favor a certain outcome rather than controlling to predict outcome
- observation of your environment, apprehend as much as possible
- interroception, listen to your body
- empathy, listen to people not analyse them with our left side of the brain
- self-governance, learn that we have the ability to live with and create policies ourselves
- our body's metabolism, healthy breathing
- proprioception on the level of our body, how does proprioception apply to organisms such as a college? Which structures favor proprioception of larger autopoietic organisms?
- dynamically complex systems theory, what are the characteristics and limits of working with dynamically complex systems?
- non-linear project management, how can we plan linearly if work does not evolve linearly? How can we write linear papers when insights are not linearly connected?
- awareness of patterns in our world
- the fractal nature of phenomena
- change is interconnection of people, social innovation theory, not a self-assertive personal path through life
- Meadows list of leverage points (Meadow 1999[^leveragePoints]), highest intervention is change of paradigms
- cycles in nature, figure 8: exploitation --> conservation --> release --> reorganization --> exploitation
## Reunderstanding the living being
In the Western educational system, physics, biology, and chemistry teach us skills to analyze and understand phenomena around us. The phenomenon of life is often tackled with a list of essential features that living beings exhibit. In traditional biology, homeostasis, organization, metabolism, growth, adaption, response to stimuli, reproduction are among the commonly identified features of living beings.
From a systemic perspective, life is identified as a self-organizing and autopoietic (self-reproducing) entity.
What does it mean to be alive? Like actually be a living being? My theory and hope are that the re-understanding of what living beings are will inform us about being a good being yourself.
### What makes anything alifealive?
If we compare swarm robots, artificial intelligence, and factories with plants, humans, or cells, a common shared feature among the living is that they can take care of themselves. They are entities concerned with self-maintenance (Capra 2014[^sytemsView]).
Such an understanding of the occurrence of self-reproducing orgasms on any level is crucial in developing an eye for the hidden power flows that keep our institutions alive. The life force is in our systems as much as it is in our cells. White supremacy and other systems that resulted from colonialism are contemporary examples of power dynamics that make the fight for systemic justice so hard. The Western capitalist system, majorly based on power-structures from colonialism, is a reproducing organism that will resist when systematic change occurs.
## We live in a panarchy Holistic systems are the way to go - everything is one big system: Our biophysical world and sociopolitical as well as all other disciplines are interconnected
Therefore, forms of governance that encompass and honor every part of our world are crucial to fighting climate change and systemic injustice.
[^systemsView]: Capra, F., & Luisi, P. L. (2014). The systems view of life: A unifying vision. Cambridge University Press.
[^leveragePoints]:Meadows, D. (1999). Leverage points. Places to Intervene in a System, 19.
