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The electrical control unit is a wireless communication system that monitors the battery voltage and broadcasts other information. Please refer to the [GitHub Repository "WoodlandHarvestControlSystem"]( for the code for all Arduinos. If you feel lost regarding working with any sensors or boards used in the system, check Useful Guides section at the bottom of this page.</br></br>
__Feel free to change the code on the Arduinos and platforms. Visitors and students can get editing access to the repository from Leon Santen or Odalys Benitez.__
# Wireless communication codes
The wireless system uses the [[LoRa research|LoRa protocol]] to communicate at 915 Mhz. For detailed information on what LoRa is and how it works, please refer to the [[LoRa research]] page.
The diagram for states and communication codes is on [Whimsical]( The prior link redirects you to the diagram.
# Repository Sections
## master-arduino
The master Arduino , also called a server, measures the battery voltage with a voltage divider circuitthe [Adafruit INA260]( and broadcasts information wirelessly to the other Arduinos. The wireless system uses the [[LoRa research|LoRa protocol]] to communicate at 915 Mhz. For precise voltage measurementsdetailed information on what LoRa is and how it works, it please refer to the [[LoRa research]] page. The diagram for states and communication codes is recommended to use `on [Whimsical](analogRead(pin) + 0https://whimsical.5com/rf-states-and-communication-codes-TEZgio2TPLtG5tm47541Hq) * 5.0 / 1024.0` [^preciseVoltage]The prior link redirects you to the diagram## client
## backporch-arduino
## anemometer
__Voltage measuring with voltage divider circuit__
For precise voltage measurements, it is recommended to use `(analogRead(pin) + 0.5) * 5.0 / 1024.0` [^preciseVoltage].
### References


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